Monday, October 09, 2006

Molly will be 4 months old in 2 days!!!

Well, I have let posting go by the wayside on both sites...just staying busy these days.

Molly is growing like mad. She is getting stronger everyday. She is sitting in her exersaucer really well now, and is starting to explore her toys more. She is drooling, and chewing on everything. She is starting to show that she will be sitting up on her own before too long. She is so strong. She also has discovered she can express herself through tantrums!
She definitely has her own voice, and will express to you when she is unhappy, and happy.

We have been spending time with other moms and babies during the week, and that has been good for both of us.

Molly goes for her 4 month immunizations on the 17th...not looking so forward to that.

We took pictures this week of her in her Halloween costume....very cute. :)
Here is a picture of her from today. Her daddy thought it would be cute to put her pants on top of her head. :)

Well, I will update more later on.

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