Monday, December 03, 2007

Molly world traveler...

Molly is nearly 18 months old now, and she has changed so much since the last time I posted about her.
She and I just spent two weeks in Alabama with my family. She is quite the world traveler after our journey. She experienced flight cancellations, plane delays, sleeping in airports, massive lineups, sleeping on planes, and even lost luggage!! She even has her own passport. I think she faired quite well for a child her age. I am very proud of her.

She had lots of good Southern food, swung on a porch swing, rocked in a rocking chair, and even played an antique piano....oh, and I nearly forgot, she learned to play football if there is anyone from the SEC reading this that wants to draft her. :)

She is starting to learn more words too, and even tries to sing. Her new thing is EIEIEIO.

I guess now that we are home, where it is really COLD, and snowy that we both will have to learn to deal with traveling in the snow. :)