The day after Molly turned 9 months, we had a small incident. She decided to take a tumble off our bed, and hit her face. She scuffed up her nose, but she is no worse for wear. I had put her on our bed, and surrounded her with pillows thinking that this would corral her long enough for me to run down the stair for her pacifier. I was sadly mistaken. I heard the thud as I was bounding back up the stairs. It was that quick. I felt horrible, and I know she did. I guess I have learned my lesson on that, and she won't be left unattended where she could hurt herself. Since I started this draft on the 14th...her nose is completely healed. The scab fell of two or three days ago.
She is really talkative these days. She really gives Greg, and I a talking too sometimes. I wonder what she is getting on to us about?
She is so expressive these days too. We are easily amused with her cute expressions, and antics. :)
She is definitely teething again, and is trying hard to push some more teeth through. We haven't had any new teeth in a couple of months or more. She was very fussy, and whiny today. the whining really bugs me. It drains my energy, and patience faster than anything. I just wished I knew what I could do to ease her discomfort. I gave her some Tylenol, and I cuddled with her on our bed, and she fell asleep in my arms.
She weighs close to 20lbs now, and growing everyday. She is in a size 12 months in most things already! :) She has been pretty much on the mark for her clothing sizes up until she became 6 months old.
Molly is clapping, and waving now. She is so cute when we go out, she will wave, and smile at people as we go by. She is such a social baby. :)
I am going to try to find her a new physician next week, so we can get her a check up. She hasn't had one since she was 6 months. We have had a very healthy baby. She has only had two colds thus far.
She is still trying to crawl, but is inch worming it for now. :)
That is about it for now.